What We do Different In Real Estate Investment

When a tenant moves out of a home, the property owner calls us and alerts us that they need the property listed and leased asap. Most properties are re-painted and required renovations are done 2-3 days after tenants move out.

We go in and access the situation and take photos of the homes and neighborhood. We also advise on some of the adjustments, renovations or inclusions that will encourage clients to choose the property and definitely this has an impact on the price charged. Just yesterday we looked at 2 properties that had been lived in for at least the last 2 years and the tenants had moved out. This gets the property back on the market ASAP.

We also market the rentals just like a regular listing. The property is always listed in the several Listing Services, other real estate and social media sites, as well as our Website; axisassets.co.ke.

Most leases are done in 2 weeks or less and we try to get the top rents for any given area.

For example, an area that we were getting Kshs100,000 a month in we managed and got kshs110,000 a month. The property management was shocked that we pushed the rent to that amount and got it. It’s all marketing and making the sure your property stands out as much as possible.

We also keep our clients updated through a weekly newsletter that helps them see some of the news and current events of my company.

In the end, we really care about our clients and their assets. They know that by the way we take care of them and their income.

There are a lot of investment venues you can go through but you need someone who actually cares for your property and income. We do.

Need Real Estate? Call us on +254 713 133003


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