
All About Real Estate Taxes and Fees in Kenya (Part 2)

Building on our understanding of real estate taxes, let’s dive deeper into some additional taxes that property owners, sellers, and investors need to know about. These include capital gains tax, land rent, and rental income tax. Capital gains tax Capital gains tax is a tax levied on the net profit made from the transfer of capital assets such as land, buildings, or shares. It is governed by the...

All About Real Estate Taxes and Fees in Kenya (Part 1)

The Real Estate market in Kenya is booming, and one of the most common challenges is understanding the Kasongo (Taxes) involved when buying, selling, or investing in real estate. It is crucial to understand the taxes and fees involved before making any transaction. These costs help ensure legal compliance, prevent unexpected expenses, and enable informed decision-making. Let’s explore the key taxes the...

Embarking on the Wealth Horizon Journey: Unveiling Opportunities for you

This is the fastest January in the history of January’s right?🤔 (Well, some will argue we still have like 90 more days to end January) Let’s all embrace January in our different dimensions.  New project in Ruaka Meanwhile, have you taken time to ponder upon the hidden opportunities in 2024 that could direct you towards your wealth horizon? Have you found yourself desiring to do...

Ruaka Area Guide

Ruaka is a fast-growing, upper-market neighborhood that is 10 kilometers northwest of the Nairobi Central Business District. It attracts discerning investors from far and wide and is home to the largest mall in Kenya and the entire East Africa region, the renowned Two Rivers Mall. Bounding it to the east and south is Gigiri, home to the United Nations Headquarters in Kenya.  Ruaka also borders...

How Big Of A Home Do You Need? – Renting Or Buying?

There are many assumptions that go with buying or renting bigger houses. It is actually everyone’s dream that they own the biggest of houses. Sadly, this remains a dream for most. Not because they couldn’t own a house, but because they felt it was not matching their “dream” big house or their finances couldn’t match up. At times renting and owning might even cost the same. It all comes down...

Why Home Security Is Important

Whether buying or renting, security is essential and the most important feature that one should consider and be keen on. Your safety and that of your family come first. Why is it important? and how can one protect themselves? This article will answer these and many more questions that you may have regarding home security. So let’s dive in. What Is Home Security? Home Security is the process...

Ndeiya Area Guide: Why One Should Settle In The Area.

Ndeiya has become one of the fastest-growing towns in Kenya. Ndeiya Area Guide: why one should settle in the area explains more about Ndeiya, why it is the most sought-after place by investors, developers, and realtors. Let’s dive in and get to know more about what Ndeiya offers to its community and the neighbouring counties such as Nairobi and Nakuru. It is located between Kikuyu and...

Five Trends To Watch Out In The Real Estate Sector

As the country recovers steadily from the covid-19 pandemic, the real estate sector is immensely improving. This is due to the growing rate at which millennials need and want to own homes. Additionally, there are other contributing factors such as infrastructure development, urbanization, and the huge growth of the middle-class population. These are some of the trends set to prevail in the following...

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